Data publikacji : 2022-02-03

Laicyzacja rodziny – jej przyczyny i niektóre konsekwencje


One of the most significant signs of the times (kairos) is the
transformation in marriage and family. Their diagnosis was
brilliantly presented by St. John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio
and one can risk a thesis that this diagnosis is still valid. The
Pope mentions both the light and the shadow of the modern
family. Among the symptoms of the crisis, he points to the
weakening of ties within the marriage community, which is
associated with individualism and utilitarianism. It also leads
to a distortion of the sense of human sexuality, which is subjected
to hedonism. In this perspective, all relationships and
manifestations of sexual orientations are allowed, as long as
they serve the satisfaction of pleasure. One should also pay
attention to the crisis of authority in the family and the impermanence
of marriages. Among the reasons for this state of affairs, attention must
first be paid to sin, which is turning away from God, clearly
expressed in the phenomena of secularization. The effect of this
is the detachment of freedom from truth (Truth), which can be
illustrated by the revolt against life and against God, which took
place in autumn of 2020 in Poland. Apart from this deepest
cause of the internal crisis, there are external causes related
to, among other things, the shape of the nation’s policy and the
influence of media.





Pobierz pliki


Zasady cytowania

Bortkiewicz, P. . (2022). Laicyzacja rodziny – jej przyczyny i niektóre konsekwencje. Społeczeństwo, 152(4), 71–88. Pobrano z

Redakcja czasopisma
ul. Wspólna 25
00-519 Warszawa,

Fundacja „Civitas Christiana”
ul. Wspólna 25
00-519 Warszawa

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