Published : 2022-02-08

Kultura drogą nadziei. Z nauczania kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, prymasa Polski


Man realizes their humanity on the paths of the earthly pilgrimage.
Above all, it constitutes an abundance of references to
truth, goodness, beauty and sacrum. Culture is the totality of
products of mankind that have been personally accepted and
found their place in the ethical and moral as well as psychological
and spiritual life. Questions regarding culture are, at the
same time, questions about the value system, which approve
and develop the man and the entire human family.
The issue of culture was the point of particular interest for
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. It resulted, among others, from the
specific nature of the contemporary circumstances of evangelization,
as well as of the social and political situation. The Polish
Primate thought that field to be an important plain for the
mission of the Church. Among others, it included remembrance
with the concurrent involvement in the present and the future.
In practice, one may easily notice that culture depends, to
a greater extent than it has been usually considered, on collective
and individual ethical and moral stands and choices.


Culture, family, solidarity, common good, human development, value.





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Citation rules

Dziuba, A. (2022). Kultura drogą nadziei. Z nauczania kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego, prymasa Polski. Społeczeństwo, 150(2), 14–37. Retrieved from

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