In his encyclical titled Fratelli tutti, Pope Francis draws attention to the modern
temptation of creating the so-called “wall culture”. This process is undoubtedly accelerated
by tendencies rooted in egoism of individuals or the individualism of small social groups. The
Pope provides examples to some signs of the said “wall culture”, both from the point of view of
an individual as well as from a social perspective. Among others, he discusses consumerism,
use of manipulation techniques in establishing of human relations, lack of respect to the value
of someone’s work, depreciation of the role of women in social life, globalization deprived of
personalistic grounds, negligence of global peace, and the lack of implemented principle of justice
and common good. As the antidote to the expansive “wall culture”, the Pope indicates the need
for “bridge building”, i.e. seeking for common elements and values for various cultures and social
structures. Without returning to the universal values and implementation of rules of the Catholic
social teachings, in Pope Francis’s opinion, overcoming the negative outcomes of the epidemic
and the related “culture of wall creation” might become impossible. The only effective medicine
for the contemporary, multi-aspect crisis is to return to principles of the Gospel and care for
unconditional respect for the dignity of every person through dialogue and peaceful solutions,
either on economic, political or cultural grounds.
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