Published : 2022-09-07

Kilka uwag na temat ideologii multikulturalizmu i jej skutków w dziedzinie polityki i prawa


By presenting the real outcome that occur in the field of law
and politics, the author of the article makes an attempt to define
and explain the phenomenon of multiculturalism and the
ideology promoting that phenomenon. The considerations are
of philosophical character. The Author claims that promotion
of multiculturalism in social life leads to severe negative results
and is in opposition to the rules and principles of Latin civilization
that was created with the pedagogical activities of the
Catholic Church.
Following the instructions of F. Koneczny, the author justifies
that the theoretical and practical aspects of multiculturalism
usually constitute the phenomenon of unsuccessful attempts of
civilizational synthesis. Although cultural pluralism established
on the basis of one civilization has a positive impact of human
development, civilizational pluralism is always the cause of painful
and detrimental conflicts in personal, family, and political
life. In this case, the assessment criterion is human nature and
its ideality, comprehensive for human mind in philosophical


Multiculturalism, multicivilizationism, politics, law, Koneczny Feliks.





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Citation rules

Skrzydlewski, P. . (2022). Kilka uwag na temat ideologii multikulturalizmu i jej skutków w dziedzinie polityki i prawa. Społeczeństwo, 143(3), 75–115. Retrieved from

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