Published : 2022-02-08

Jaka jest miara serca ludzkiego, skoro napełnić je może tylko Bóg, Duch Święty?

Jan Rajczakowski


When summarizing the reflection over some of the words
from the First Pilgrimage of John Paul II to the Fatherland, one
may notice that it was like light in the darkness. By referring to
the most important and most fundamental questions, such as:
Who is a man? What is the purpose of human life? How should
we understand the life of a single man? - the Pope presented the
truth about the values of the man, lie, and the shallow nature
of the main principles of Marxist ideology, as well as opened our
hearts to the acts of God.
John Paul II showed us dignity as something given and set
for the man. As a value that should determine our obligation to
pursue its complete implementation. Dignity should be a very
important factor of human activity. That is why the Pope, at
the end of his speech to the students who gathered in front of
St. Anne’s Church in Warsaw, addressed the following words to
everyone at the square, as well as to anyone of us: „I am waiting
for the revelation of sons of God! I expect such a revelation from
you - from people who will become physicians, technicians, lawyers,
professors... You must understand that the man, created by
God, in His image and likeness, is at the same time summoned in
Christ to demonstrate the Godly element present in themselves.
So that anyone of us, to some extent, demonstrated God. Think
about it!”14”.


John Paul II, dignity, human, conscience, heart





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Citation rules

Rajczakowski, J. . (2022). Jaka jest miara serca ludzkiego, skoro napełnić je może tylko Bóg, Duch Święty?. Społeczeństwo, 148(4), 157–163. Retrieved from

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