Brotherhood has many names and forms. It may involve solidarity with the good or the
evil. The social encyclical titled Fratelli tutti presents the Christian vision of brotherhood that Pope
Francis has proposed to all the people of good will. It is the voice in the dialogue favoring human
ethos based on fundamental values rooted in human dignity. According to the paradigm of social
teachings of the Church, Pope Francis indicates and analyses the issues of modern times from
the perspective of brotherhood; he makes a judgment in light of objective moral good in order to
formulate the final practical instructions on how to create a world that is more human and more
Godly. The pandemic context, on one hand, shows the deep character of the pope’s reflection and.
on the other hand, proves the topicality of the discussed problem. The encyclical proves to be not
a strange manifest for strange times, but rather a weighty document for difficult times.
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