Published : 2024-08-02

The biblical ethos of work against the background of ancient cultures


 The reality of work is embedded in the history of humanity. However, the approach to it has varied significantly. The Mesopotamian civilization, compelled to manage the waters of the Euphrates and Tigris, viewed work as a duty to the gods, who manifested their power through na­tural forces. The Egyptian civilization relied on the flooding of the Nile, and managing the waters and the silt they carried brought prosperity to all citizens. In their social life, if everyone fulfilled their duties in accordance with the deified principles of Maat, they could all partake in the benefi­cial gift of fertility that the Nile provided. The Greeks, as much as possible, relegated physical labor to slaves, while free citizens engaged in more creative fields. The community of Israel developed a unique work ethic, which was carried on by the early Christian community. Right at the begin­ning of the biblical text, we learn that humans were created in the image and likeness of God (Ge­nesis 1:27) and thus invited to participate in God’s creative act through work. The human being, who as alone received from God the task of subduing the earth, bring about the humanization of the world through work. With varying degrees of awareness, we are heirs to a work ethic shaped by generations, in which the biblical tradition has played a significant role.


work, physical work,, creative work, laziness, free time, antiquity, the Bible





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Klinkowski, J. . (2024). The biblical ethos of work against the background of ancient cultures. Społeczeństwo, 34(1), 116–137. Retrieved from

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