Published : 2022-01-11

Papież prawdy


John Paul II prophetic speeches are always valid. He was giving a very accurate diagnosis for both cultural, civilization
and philosophical, moral-ethical events. The Pope spoke about  dangers that both the Church, the world and each individual
human being have to face. At the same time, he focused on the post-truth problem. A particular threat is the climate of relativism and the disruption of both principles and truths which are fundamental for building dignity and human development.
These are tendencies and phenomena that threaten the basic  and anthropological principles and moral truths. Being in this
context, the Pope took actions against divisions and, at the  same time, he strove for unity. He tried to find a way out of the
“crisis of truth”. The Pope pointed to natural law and nature and to the civilization of love. John Paul II thought and taught
prophetically, anticipated both the course of events, and anticipated effects. He was able to assess the scale of threats, boldly
signaling dangers. He looked at the world in a global perspective, but he never forgot about individual human being, stressing the inalienable rights of each person to truth and freedom.


The truth, the Church, the theology of John Paul II, human development, natural law, civilization of love





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Dziuba, A. F. . (2022). Papież prawdy. Społeczeństwo, 151(3), 15–32. Retrieved from

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