Published : 2022-01-11

Jan Paweł II – nowe spojrzenie na wojnę

Andrzej Zwoliński


The moral assessment of war is of pedagogical nature. It facilitates
the efforts of people of good will in building a peaceful
world. These efforts constitute of a set of attempts and actions
the purpose of which is to protect spiritual and material property
of people based on social justice and mutual respect. The
catechism of the Catholic Church expresses these dependencies
in simple words: „The respect for and development of human
life need peace. Peace is not about lack of war since it does not
limit to ensured balance of forces. Peace on Earth is impossible
without defending the goods of people, free exchange of thought
between people, respect of human dignity and nations, persistent
efforts to achieve brotherhood. Peace stands for tranquility
of order (św. Augustine, De civitate Dei, 19, 13). It is the work of
justice (see Iz 32, 17) and fruit of love (see GS, 78)” (KKK, 2304


War, fair war, necessary defense, disarmament, human rights, dignity, justice, principle of proportionality.





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Zwoliński, A. (2022). Jan Paweł II – nowe spojrzenie na wojnę. Społeczeństwo, 151(3), 33–45. Retrieved from

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