Published : 2022-01-07

Związki zawodowe w polu „nowych form solidarności”


Trade unions should be considered as a multi-dimensional
matter. The history of trade unions has proven to be very informative.
The social teachings of the Church on this matter
is rich as well. Labor, capital and law are the coordinates of
trade unions. Those three elements are mutually inclusive. One
may also speak of a synergic dependency between them. Next
to business owners and the government, trade unions seem to
be important players in the modern social and political reality.
Trade unions, as if in a lens, focus on the most crucial aspects
of personal, family and social life. That is why they feature a
great solidarity potential that just begs to come to fruition. Trade
unions, especially those gathering people of faith, can be aided
with well-elaborated social teachings of the Church, particularly
in the scope of ethics of economic life. Such teachings provide
hints as to ways of triggering the solidarity potential and successful
introducing it in social life for the good of all people.


Trade unions, business owner, work, capital, solidarity, justice

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Drożdż, B. (2022). Związki zawodowe w polu „nowych form solidarności”. Społeczeństwo, 149(1), 16–29. Retrieved from

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